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Dee Dee's Place

What is Dee Dee's Place?

Dee Dee's Place is a 24/7 emergency domestic violence shelter for women and their children under the age of 18.

Who can stay at Dee Dee's place?

Women and their children who are under the age of 18.

Services Offered: 

All clients entering Dee Dee's Place will have access to three meals daily, individual bedding, access to bathrooms and ADA accommodations, showers, free laundry facilities, onsite daycare, domestic violence/self defense classes, job training, religious/educational programs, 24/7 security, counseling, access to medical clinic for you and your children, transportation, and case management.

How to get into Dee Dee's Place?

To speak to someone about entering Dee Dee's Place please go to our locations page where we offer facility contact information. 

If you're currently in danger and can't get to a safe place call 911 immediately.

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